Ultimate File Manager (UFM) is an advanced File Manager distributed with carefully selected and configured freeware applications. The purpose of UFM project is making the best environment to run your favourite applications within one place. Main application of the project is well-known and appreciated Total Commander File Manager (shareware) or its freeware equivalent Multi Commander. UFM lets you manage all of your files and applications in best and simplest way. This properly configured, easy to use and very powerfull environment gives you the best experience, whatever you want to do!

Total Commander Default Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
F1 Help
F2 Reread source window
F3 List files
F4 Edit files
F5 Copy files
F6 Rename or move files
F7 Create directory
F8 or DEL Delete files to recycle bin /delete directly - according to configuration
F9 Activate menu above source window (left or right)
F10 Activate left menu or deactivate menu
ALT+F1 change left drive
ALT+F2 change right drive
ALT+F3 Use alternate (external or internal) viewer
ALT+SHIFT+F3 Start Lister and load file with internal viewer (no plugins or multimedia)
ALT+F4 Exit | Minimize (with option MinimizeOnClose in wincmd.ini)
ALT+F5 Pack files
ALT+SHIFT+F5 Move to archive
ALT+F6 Unpack specified files from archive under cursor, or selected archives (use Alt+F9 on Windows 95)
ALT+F7 Find
ALT+SHIFT+F7 Find in separate process
ALT+F8 Opens the history list of the command line
ALT+F9 Same as ALT+F6 (because ALT+F6 is broken on Windows 95)
ALT+SHIFT+F9 Test archives
ALT+F10 Opens a dialog box with the current directory tree
ALT+F11 Opens left current directory bar (breadcrumb bar)
ALT+F12 Opens right current directory bar (breadcrumb bar)
ALT+SHIFT+F11 Focus the button bar to use it with the keyboard
SHIFT+F1 Custom columns view menu
SHIFT+F2 Compare file lists
SHIFT+F3 List only file under cursor, when multiple files selected
SHIFT+F4 Create new text file and load into editor
SHIFT+F5 Copy files (with rename) in the same directory
SHIFT+CTRL+F5 Create shortcuts of the selected files
SHIFT+F6 Rename files in the same directory
SHIFT+F7 Create directory in target folder, using name under cursor as default
SHIFT+F8/DEL Delete directly / delete to recycle bin - according to configuration
SHIFT+F10 Show context menu
SHIFT+ESC Minimizes Total Commander to an icon
ALT+left/right Go to previous/next dir of already visited dirs
ALT+down Open history list of already visited dirs (like the history list in a WWW browser)
NUM + expand selection (configurable: just files or files and folders)
NUM - shrink selection
NUM * invert selection (also with shift, see link)
NUM / restore selection
SHIFT+NUM + Like NUM +, but files and folders if NUM + selects just files (and vice versa)
SHIFT+NUM - Always removes the selection just from files (NUM - from files and folders)
SHIFT+NUM * Like NUM *, but files and folders if NUM * inverts selection of just files (and vice versa)
CTRL+NUM + select all (configurable: just files or files and folders)
CTRL+SHIFT+NUM + select all (files and folders if CTRL+NUM + selects only files)
CTRL+NUM - deselect all (always files and folders)
CTRL+SHIFT+NUM - deselect all (always files, no folders)
ALT+NUM + select all files with the same extension
ALT+NUM - remove selection from files with the same extension
CTRL+PgUp or Backspace Change to parent directory (cd ..)
CTRL+< Jump to the root directory (most European keyboards)
CTRL+\ Jump to the root directory (US keyboard)
CTRL+PgDn Open directory/archive (also self extracting .EXE archives)
CTRL+left/right Open directory/archive and display it in the target window. If the cursor is not on a directory name, or the other panel is active, then the current directory is displayed instead.
CTRL+F1 File display „brief” (only file names)
CTRL+SHIFT+F1 Thumbnails view (preview pictures)
CTRL+F2 File display „full” (all file details)
CTRL+SHIFT+F2 Comments view (new comments are created with Ctrl+Z)
CTRL+F3 Sort by name
CTRL+F4 Sort by extension
CTRL+F5 Sort by date/time
CTRL+F6 Sort by size
CTRL+F7 Unsorted
CTRL+F8 Display directory tree
CTRL+SHIFT+F8 Cycle through separate directory tree states: one tree, two trees, off
CTRL+F9 Print file under cursor using the associated program
CTRL+F10 Show all files
CTRL+F11 Show only programs
CTRL+F12 Show user defined files
TAB Switch between left and right file list
SHIFT+TAB Switch between current file list and separate tree (if enabled)
Letter Redirect to command line, cursor jumps to command line
INSERT Select file or directory.
SPACE Select file or directory (as INSERT). If SPACE is used on an unselected directory under the cursor, the contents in this directory are counted and the size is shown in the „full” view instead of the string < DIR> . This can be disabled through „Configuration” - „Options” - „Operation” - „Selection with Space”.
ENTER Change directory / run program / run associated program / execute command line if not empty. If the source directory shows the contents of an archive, further information on the packed file is given.
SHIFT+ENTER 1. Runs command line / program under cursor via Windows shell and leave the program's window open. Only works if NOCLOSE.EXE is in the Total Commander directory!
2. With ZIP files: use alternative choice of these (as chosen in Packer config): (Treat archives like directories < -> call associated program, i.e. winzip or quinzip)
3. In the list of last used dirs (History, Ctrl+D), open the directory on a new Tab.
ALT+SHIFT+ENTER The contents of all directories in the current directory are counted. The sizes of the directories are then shown in the „full” view instead of the string < DIR> . Abort by holding down ESC key.
ALT+ENTER Show property sheet.
CTRL+A select all
CTRL+B Directory branch: Show contents of current dir and all subdirs in one list
CTRL+SHIFT+B Selected directory branch: Show selected files, and all in selected subdirs
CTRL+C Copy files to clipboard
CTRL+D Open directory hotlist („bookmarks”)
CTRL+F Connect to FTP server
CTRL+SHIFT+F Disconnect from FTP server, port connection, and some file system plugins
CTRL+I Switch to target directory
CTRL+L Calculate occupied space (of the selected files)
CTRL+M Multi-Rename-Tool
CTRL+SHIFT+M Change FTP transfer mode
CTRL+N New FTP connection (enter URL or host address)
CTRL+P Copy current path to command line
CTRL+Q Quick view panel instead of file window
CTRL+SHIFT+Q Separate quick view window (like Lister, but updates with cursor movement)
CTRL+R Reread source directory
CTRL+S Open Quick Filter dialog and activate filter (deactivate with ESC or CTRL+F10)
CTRL+SHIFT+S Open Quick Filter dialog and reactivate last-used filter
CTRL+T Open new folder tab and activate it
CTRL+SHIFT+T Open new folder tab, but do not activate it
CTRL+U Exchange directories
CTRL+SHIFT+U Exchange directories and tabs
CTRL+V Paste from clipboard to current dir.
CTRL+W Close currently active tab
CTRL+SHIFT+W Close all open tabs
CTRL+X Cut files to clipboard
CTRL+Z Edit file comment
CTRL+UP Open dir under cursor in new tab
CTRL+SHIFT+UP Open dir under cursor in other window (new tab)
CTRL+TAB Jump to next tab
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Jump to previous tab
ALTGR+Letter(s) or CTRL+ALT+Letter(s) Quick search for a file name (starting with specified letters) in the current directory (Support hotkeys Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and Ctrl+A; use Ctrl+S for search filter on/off)

Multi Commander Default Keyboard Shortcuts (Commander-Style)

These are global shortcuts that work the same way no matter what extension you are in.

Shortcut Action (Core shortcuts)
Alt + left Go Back
Alt + right Go Forward
Alt + down Show History
Ctrl + W Tab - Close Tab
Ctrl + T Tab - Duplicate Tab
F3 File - View File
F4 File - Edit File
Shift+F4 File - Edit New File
F5 File - Copy
Shift + F5 File - Copy (Quick) (Copy to same location)
F6 File - Move
F8, Delete File - Delete
Alt + F5 File - Pack Files
Alt + F6 File - Unpack Files
Ctrl + X Edit - Cut
Ctrl + C Edit - Copy
Ctrl + V Edit - Paste
Ctrl + F11 View - Full width
Ctrl + L View - Log Panel
Ctrl + M View - Menu Bar
Ctrl + B View - Button Panel
F2 View - Refresh

Global file manager hotkeys are also valid when focus is in another extension, if the extension supports them.

Shortcut Action (File Manager shortcuts)
Shift + Alt + Return File Tools - Calculate folder size
F7 File Tools - Create Folder
Shift + F6 File Tools - Rename
Ctrl + P Send to clipboard - File/Folder path and name
Ctrl + Shift + P Send to clipboard - File/Folder name
Shift + Alt + P Send to clipboard - File/Folder path
Num + Select using filter
Num - Unselect using filter
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + D Unselect All
Num * Invert Selection
Ctrl + Num+ Select all with same file extension
Ctrl + Num- Unselect all with same file extension
Alt + Num+ Select all with same name
Alt + Num- Unselect all with same name
Ctrl + F10 Compare Source and Target, Select Missing/Newest

File Manager-specific hotkeys are only available when focus is in the file manager view.

Shortcut Action (File Manager shortcuts)
Alt + F1 Show drive selection box (Left side)
Alt + F2 Show drive selection box (Right side)
Ctrl + F Set View filter
Alt + F7 Start a Search from current path
Ctrl + E Edit path
Ctrl + 1 Go to Quick Path #1
Ctrl + 2 Go to Quick Path #2
Ctrl + 3 Go to Quick Path #3
Ctrl + 4 Go to Quick Path #4
Ctrl + 5 Go to Quick Path #5
Ctrl + 6 Go to Quick Path #6
Ctrl + 7 Go to Quick Path #7
Ctrl + 8 Go to Quick Path #8
Ctrl + 9 Go to Quick Path #9
Ctrl + 10 Go to Quick Path #10
Ctrl + left Sync path to the Left
Ctrl + right Sync path to the Right
Shift + F2 Force Refresh (and flush cache)
Back Go to parent folder (Go up)
Ctrl + Back Go to the root of the device
Ctrl + . Go to same path as target view
Alt + Return Show file properties

Shortcut Action (File Search shortcuts)
Ctrl + F Show / Hide Search window
Ctrl + S Save a search
Ctrl + O Load a Search
Ctrl + Return Start a Search
Ctrl + P Pause a Search

Multi Commander Default Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows Explorer-Style)

These are global shortcuts that work the same way no matter what extension you are in.

Shortcut Action (Core shortcuts)
Alt + left Go Back
Alt + right Go Forward
Alt + down Show History
Ctrl + W Tab - Close Tab
Ctrl + T Tab - Duplicate Tab
F1 File - View File
F9 File - Edit File
F4 File - Copy
Shift + F5 File - Copy Quick
F6 File - Move
F8, Delete File - Delete
Alt + F5 File - Pack Files
Alt + F6 File - Unpack Files
Ctrl + X Edit - Cut
Ctrl + C Edit - Copy
+ V Edit - Paste
Ctrl + F11 View - Full width
Ctrl + L View - Log Panel
Ctrl + B View - Button Panel
F5 View - Refresh

Global file manager hotkeys are also valid when focus is in another extension, if the extension supports them.

Shortcut Action (File Manager shortcuts)
Shift + Alt + Return File Tools - Calculate folder size
F7 File Tools - Create Folder
F2 File Tools - Rename
Ctrl + P Send to clipboard - File/Folder path and name
Ctrl + Shift + P Send to clipboard - File/Folder name
Shift + Alt + P Send to clipboard - File/Folder path
Num + Select using filter
Num - Unselect using filter
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + D Unselect All
Num * Invert Selection
Ctrl + Num+ Select all with same file extension
Ctrl + Num- Unselect all with same file extension
Alt + Num+ Select all with same name
Alt + Num- Unselect all with same name
Ctrl + F10 Compare Source and Target, Select Missing/Newest

File Manager-specific hotkeys are only available when focus is in the file manager view.

Shortcut Action (File Manager shortcuts)
Alt + F1 Show drive selection box (Left side)
Alt + F2 Show drive selection box (Right side)
Ctrl + F Set View filter
Alt + F7 Start a Search from current path
Ctrl + E Edit path
Ctrl + 1 Go to Quick Path #1
Ctrl + 2 Go to Quick Path #2
Ctrl + 3 Go to Quick Path #3
Ctrl + 4 Go to Quick Path #4
Ctrl + 5 Go to Quick Path #5
Ctrl + 6 Go to Quick Path #6
Ctrl + 7 Go to Quick Path #7
Ctrl + 8 Go to Quick Path #8
Ctrl + 9 Go to Quick Path #9
Ctrl + 10 Go to Quick Path #10
Ctrl + left Sync path to the Left
Ctrl + right Sync path to the Right
Shift + F5 Force Refresh (and flush cache)
Back Go to parent folder (Go up)
Ctrl + Back Go to the root of the device
Ctrl + . Go to same path as target view
Alt + Return Show file properties

Shortcut Action (File Search shortcuts)
Ctrl + F Show / Hide Search window
Ctrl + S Save a search
Ctrl + O Load a Search
Ctrl + Return Start a Search
Ctrl + P Pause a Search